Singing Guide: Bonez MC

Singing Guide: Bonez MC

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Bonez MC is a German rapper whose real name is John Lorenz Moser. He is known for his horrorcore style and his music often includes themes of violence and horror. However, his unique vocal technique comes from a few different places.

Firstly, Bonez MC has incredible flow. He is able to deliver his lyrics with precision and speed, leaving listeners in awe. This type of skill requires practice in rhythm and enunciation. To improve these skills, try Singing Carrots' pitch accuracy test to practice hitting notes and timing, or use the Vocal Pitch Monitor to train your ear to hear subtle pitch differences.

Secondly, Bonez MC has a raspy and gravelly voice that is unmistakable. To try and replicate his sound, focus on warming up your voice properly before singing and practice strengthening your vocal chords through vocal exercises. Singing Carrots' Pitch Training is an excellent resource for strengthening your voice, as it contains exercises for range, agility, and breath support.

Finally, Bonez MC is a master at conveying emotion through his voice. To learn how to convey emotion in your singing, try Singing Carrots' singing course that covers singing theory and practical tips. Incorporating good posture and emotion-control exercises, such as the "Relaxing Breath" video, can also help.

Some of Bonez MC's most popular songs include "500 PS," "GottSeiDank," and "Palmen aus Plastik." Listen to these songs and study his style to help improve your own singing technique.

Overall, learning to sing like Bonez MC requires practice, dedication, and focus. Utilize Singing Carrots' resources to improve your flow, strengthen your voice, convey emotion, and study Bonez MC's unique vocal techniques. With hard work, you can improve and develop your own singing style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.